Terms of Services/Use for Pinterest Essentials Challenge with Smart Creative Social, Jennifer Priest
By continuing into the Pinterest Essentials Challenge, you agree and consent to the following terms of services/ use:
Effective Date
This Terms of Service/Use is to be considered effective March 23, 2020 and shall be binding up both parties from the date of download of the Pinterest Essentials Challenge. Any changes or amendments are subject to the Amendments Clause.
- This program will include how to use Pinterest.
- This program will also include how to get traffic to a website from Pinterest; how to optimize a Pinterest profile; how to use Pinterest for search; and how to use Pinterest analytics.
- Smart Creative Social and Jennifer Priest do hereby reserve the right to amend these services in writing.
The Pinterest Essentials Challenge will last 4 days. access will begin upon purchase and continue for the lifetime of the program or up to 12 months from March 23, 2020, whichever is longer.
Intellectual Property
- All materials included in this program are the sole property of Smart Creative Social and Jennifer Priest. This includes, but not limited to: Pictures, Logos, materials, and the like.
- Any unauthorized reproduction of any of the materials included in this program will be considered a Breach of Contract (See Breach of Contract section).
Course Taker agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the same, Smart Creative Social and Jennifer Priest, of any and all claims that could viably arise from the use of this Course.
- Smart Creative Social and Jennifer Priest waive all liability. Taking this course is an assumption of risk by the Course Taker.
- Smart Creative Social and Jennifer Priest do no promise results from this course, thus waiving all liability to the course.
Smart Creative Social waives all warranties, including by not limited too, express and implied warranties, unless not allowed by law.
Any amendments to this Terms of Service/Use shall be in writing and a 15 day notice shall be given.
Breach of the Terms of Service/Use
It may be considered a breach of contract in the following, but not limited too:
- Any violation of any other clause of Terms of Services/Use;
- Violating the Intellectual Property Clause;
- Using Libel and Slander as a means to stop payment on the course; and
- Disrupting the course experience for other Course Takers.
Any breach will be considered for immediate termination of the Course and potential legal action.
Governing Law
If a dispute were to arise regarding these Terms of Services/use, both parties agree to use the State of California’s Law to interpret.
Both Parties agree to try Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) before a law suite can be filed.
The State of California shall have jurisdiction to hear any dispute arising from this Terms of Service/ Use.
Attorney’s Fees
All reasonable attorney fees shall be awarded to Smart Creative Social and Jennifer Priest if a dispute where to arise.
Acceptance of this Contract
By pressing or clicking: agree, accept, or anything similar, you are agreeing to be bound by this Terms of Service/ Use.
The term “Pinterest” is a trademark of Pinterest, Inc.. SmartCreativeSocial.com is not affiliated with Pinterest.